purveyors of quality Deaf comedy


The British Deaf Association [www.bda.org.uk]
If it wasn't for their bursary, you wouldn't be reading this page. And if it wasn't for the tireless Lucy, there wouldn't be a Deaf film festival to show it at. All you ever wanted to know about British Sign Language is on this site.

Light House [www.light-house.co.uk]
More than just a cinema! Production facilities, equipment and our on-the-ball Co-Producer, Urmala, who put together the TB&E crew. Our film was made under the auspices of PLOT [www.plotonline.co.uk], committed to developing media possibilities in the West Midlands. London? Hah!

VET [www.vet.co.uk]
Editors of TB&E, at their offices on the very very arty Hoxton Square. Very nice people, too.

Holiday Inn [www.holidayinn.co.uk]
Respect to the affable Mark at the Birmingham location (that's the old Albany, history fans) for sorting us out two locations within one. We know where we're staying on weekends away from now on...

Chiltern Railways [www.chilternrailways.co.uk]
Helpful train operator that were only too happy to let us film at the restored Birmingham Moor Street. It's far, far nicer rolling into Marylebone on the Chiltern Turbo, far nicer.

Red Lizard [www.redlizard.ltd.uk]
Designing and printing our publicity material (that's posters to you). Also home of TB&E's token Deaf Celeb, Mark Wheatley.

Deaf Direct [www.deafdirect.org.uk]
Phil and Tessa helped out tremendously on Audition Day, so Phil's outfit earn a mention here. DD supports and empowers Deaf and Hard of Hearing people in darkest Herefordshire and deepest Worcestershire.

Birmingham Institute for the Deaf (BID) [www.bid.org.uk]
Big up to Paul, who was the conduit with Birmingham Deaf Sports & Social Club during pre-production. Social nights are Wednesdays and Saturdays if you're in town.

MCL [www.mcl-europe.com]
Lighting hire. If you ever forget what a grip house is like (bulky guys in t-shirts and jeans humping, lugging and gaffertaping concert-sized boxes into vans), this is the place to go.

Cazz [www.cazz.co.uk]
Our lovely Production Manager's website. Included here just to cheese her off.

Showings Film Info Links Cast Trivia
William Mager as Steve and Matt Kirby as Lenny
William Mager (Steve) & Matt Kirby (Lenny) in a scene from Text, Batteries & Earwax